Wind Power Plant

This project introduces technologies designed for optimal utilization of energy resources while minimizing environmental impact. The project will be implement with a technical solution that combines a Wind Power Plant with an Energy Storage System.

Wind Power Plant
Zhytomur region, Ukraine

Project details

This project introduces technologies designed for optimal utilization of energy resources while minimizing environmental impact. The project will be implement with a technical solution that combines a Wind Power Plant with an Energy Storage System. This integration will guarantee the highest efficiency in electricity generation, storage, and distribution, marking a significant move towards a sustainable and dependable energy system.

Wind measurement started in June 2023.

Advantages of the Project

The proposed wind farm site is situated within a region experiencing a deficit in electricity generation capacity, particularly during the autumn and winter seasons. Consequently, this project is exceptionally sought-after within the energy market of this district.

Brief Market Overview

The RES market in Ukraine is actively developing. 

In the future renewable energy sources will become the basis for the economic development and restoration of Ukraine.

In particular, Ukraine's National Energy Strategy was adopted and approved on April 21, 2023, marking a significant milestone in the country's energy sector.

Some of the Key Goals of the Ukraine Energy Strategy:

-Sustainable Development: Ensure access to modern and sustainable energy sources, aiming for climate neutrality.

-International Commitments: Meet obligations on energy efficiency and renewable energy utilization.

-Decentralization: Promote local renewable energy production.

-European Alignment: Follow the European Green Course for integrated renewable energy policies.

-Development Initiatives: Boost the use of renewable energy sources and modernize related infrastructures.

Also, the EU Green Deal states that Ukraine is poised to become the primary green hub and a pivotal supplier of green energy to the EU. 

Ukraine's National Energy Strategy, in sync with global commitments and the European Green Course, primes the stage for a thriving and sustainable energy market. The country's unwavering dedication to renewable energy and climate neutrality is set to fuel growing demand for RES resources like Solar and Wind Power Plants, as well as Energy Storage Systems.