Dr. Yevgen Ostreyko

President of ITS Water Group

Dr. Yevgen Ostreyko
Dr. Yevgen Ostreyko
Dr. Yevgen Ostreyko

President of ITS Water Group


Yevgen Ostreyko- President of ITS Water Group (www.itswatergroup.com) and the beneficiary of Aqua Holding Ltd (100%), specializes in water and wastewater treatment for over 20 years.

Yevgen is co-owner of Pology Chemical Plant “Coagulant”, that is now occupied and partially destroyed. The plant used to produce: coagulants for water and wastewater treatment; specialized products for boilers, RO and cooling systems applications; detergents, disinfectants and other chemicals; synthesized polymers for the Buyer process (production of alumina from bauxite). When in operation “Coagulant” held up to 70% of the total Ukrainian market share.

Defended his thesis in 1990 (National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy) and in subsequent years was a co-author of many inventions and patents in the field of creating and improving technologies for the production of coagulants and complex additives obtaining by organic synthesis methods.

Member of CEO Club Ukraine and Business Club “Inspira” (Dnipro).

Lives in Dnipro, Ukraine.

e-mail: ostreyko@itswatergroup.com;

Cell phone: +38 067 5600629; +41 78 244 41 02.
