Olena Pryz

Project Manager, “IN-UA” Charitable Foundation

Olena Pryz
Olena Pryz
Olena Pryz

Project Manager, “IN-UA” Charitable Foundation


06.2022 - present time “IN-UA” Charitable Foundation Non-profit organization. Design and production of customized titanium implants for those who have suffered from the war Project Manager

10.2023-present time “Velta Medical” LLC Production company. Production of customized titanium implants Project Manager

12.2018-08.2023 “Additive laser technology of Ukraine” LLC Production company. Production of Powder Bed Fusion 3D printers Chief Operating Officer

07.2016-11.2018 “Human Rights Protection Group “Sich” Civic Organization Non-profit organization. Legal assistance for those who have suffered from military conflict in the East of Ukraine Project Manager, Fundraiser

08.2006-09.2014 Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Relations.


11.2005-10.2008 Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University Postgraduate studies. Specialty - World Economy and International Economic Relations.

10.2011 Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky Dissertation defence for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences - “Development of the world aerospace market in the context of globalization” (Diploma No. 004127 dated January, 19, 2012).

09.2000-06.2005 Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University Faculty of International Economics. Specialty - Management of foreign economic activity. Master’s degree in Management (Diploma HP No. 28140290 dated June 30, 2005). Qualification: translator of scientific and technical literature.

09-12.2010 University of Maine (Le Mans, France) Faculty of Economics and Law. Scientific internship under support of the Embassy of France in Ukraine to conduct a dissertation research program.
